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Introducing "Warm Hearts, Warm Homes" by Martinov Home Solutions:

At Martinov Home Solutions, we believe that everyone deserves a warm and comfortable home, especially during the chilly months. That’s why we’re launching “Warm Hearts, Warm Homes,” a community-driven initiative to provide free furnace installations for families in need. 

Here’s how it works: 

We’re calling on the community to nominate families who could benefit from a new furnace but may be facing financial hardships. Whether it’s a single parent struggling to make ends meet or an elderly couple on a fixed income, we want to hear about their stories. 

To participate, simply visit our website or stop by our office to submit your nominations through our “Giveaway” page. Our team will carefully review each submission and select deserving families to receive complimentary furnace installations, ensuring that they stay warm and cozy throughout the winter.

But we need your help to make this initiative a success. Spread the word, share our posts on social media, and encourage your friends and neighbors to nominate families in need. Together, we can make a meaningful impact on the lives of our fellow community members.

Join us in spreading warmth and comfort through “Warm Hearts, Warm Homes” and let’s make this winter a little brighter for those in need.

Thank you for your support,

The Martinov Home Solutions Team

This promotion is inspired by the idea of addressing real problems and fulfilling essential needs, as well as the concept of rallying the community together for a meaningful cause.

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Nomination Name(Required)


Why Customers Trust Us

As homeowners, we understand the importance of having a quality heating and cooling system to provide a safe haven for your family. Your home should be a comfortable place that keeps you warm during the cold of winter and allows you to escape the heat in the summer. We stand behind all of our work, providing a 100% guarantee on all the services we provide.


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