How Having Your Air Conditioning Serviced Can Benefit You
June 25, 2019
Categories: General HVACAs the weather starts to heat up, you’re bound to use your air conditioner more often. Whether you have a window air conditioner or central air conditioning system, check-ups are important. You’ll want to have a service technician perform routine maintenance to ensure your air conditioner is operating at maximum capacity. This allows your AC to run with full efficiency during the warm summer months.

Without regular service, your AC unit can lose up to 5% of energy every year that it is in use. Since many don’t know how old their air system is, we recommend contacting your local HVAC company for a check-up for three important reasons.
1. It can save you money!
Having your air conditioner repaired and maintained reduces energy costs and is an energy saver.
2. Routine maintenance can reduce the cost of AC repairs.
Having routine maintenance done on your air conditioner will lessen the number of air conditioning repairs that have to be made. This will save you time and money in the long run.
3. Routine maintenance can lengthen the life of your AC system.
Using repair services can be energy saving, increasing your energy efficiency and helping with general heating and cooling of your home.
Tips for a More Energy Efficient Air Conditioner
If you don’t suspect any issues with your air conditioner, we still recommend having a professional from your local HVAC company check that it’s running smoothly. Professionals can detect early problems and fix them immediately so that you don’t experience any downtime.
- If you have central air (also known as an HVAC system) in your home, a professional can ensure that condenser coils, air filters, and electrical connections are up to standard. This prevents heat loss and makes sure your system operates at high efficiency.
- For those with window air conditioners, using a portable air conditioner in other rooms can be beneficial. It may take some of the strain off using a single window unit. Ceiling fans also help to move the air throughout the home.
Follow these tips for a better cooling system today!
Are you interested in learning more about Martinov Air Conditioning Products and Services? Contact us today for more information or to request your free estimate.